
C Twenty-eight years nuclear regulatory experience followed by a nine-year period with the IAEA. Was Deputy General Manager of the South African nuclear regulatory authority with responsibility for scientific, technical and legal aspects of the licensing process. Activities and facilities licensed ranged from Koeberg nuclear power plant, PBMR reactor development project, Safari research reactor, Vaalputs radioactive waste disposal facility, uranium mining and processing, uranium enrichment and fuel fabrication, radioisotope production and use and radioactive waste management facilities.
C Extensive involvement in the development of international safety standards; contributor to the development of the International Basic Safety Standards, co-author of a number of IAEA standards including the Safety Requirements on Legal and Governmental Infrastructure for Nuclear, Radiation, Waste and Transport Safety, Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste, Waste Disposal, Safety Assessment and Waste Classification.
C Chaired the IAEA Waste Safety Standards Committee (WASSC), from its establishment in 1996 for a period of six years. South Africa representative to the expert group, which developed the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. Involved with implementation of the IAEA radiation protection model project in a number of countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America and the IAEA postgraduate training courses in radiation safety. Chaired a number of IAEA technical committee meetings and was responsible for developing the postgraduate radiation protection training course in South Africa.
C Headed the IAEA unit responsible for the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management and disposal for ten years. Responsible for the IAEA Action Plan on waste safety, development of safety standards on waste and spent fuel management and waste disposal and related safety assessment. Responsible for IAEA waste safety technical assistance programmes to China, Ukraine and the central and Eastern European region. Managed a number of international inter-comparison and harmonization projects, a number of international peer review missions on operational safety, nuclear regulatory control and radioactive waste management and disposal. Organized international congresses on radioactive waste and spent fuel management and disposal.
C Maintained a close involvement with professional radiation protection societies; executive member of South African Radiation Protection Society for fifteen years and Chairman for three years. Initiated formation of the professional accreditation board of the society. Served on Executive Council of the International Radiation Protection Association, IRPA for sixteen years in the capacities of council member, publications director and Vice President. In May 2004 was elected President of IRPA for a period of four years.