Independent Review of the SAR for the V1 1st Stage Decommissioning, Bohunice NPP
An independent review of the Decommissioning Safety Assessment Report (SAR) was carried out as part of the documentation required for application for authorisation of the start of the 1st stage of the Bohunice V1 NPP decommissioning. The SAR was developed within the EBRD project B6.3 "The V1 NPP Decommissioning 1st Stage Plan and Other Licensing Documentation" (BIDSF 012 4 001). more |
Revision of the IAEA Safety Guide WS-G-2.4 "Decommissioning of Fuel Cycle Facilities"
The company took part in the revision of the IAEA Safety Guide in accordance with the new “Fundamental Safety Principles” SF-1 and the Safety Requirements WS-R-5 “Decommissioning of Facilities Using Radioactive Material. At present the revision of the WS-G-2.4 is being considered together with the revision of Safety Guide WS-G-2.1.
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Finalization of DeSa Project Reports
The company worked on the finalisation of the proceedings of the three-year project entitled DeSa (Evaluation and Demonstration of Safety of Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities). The five-volume report summarised the work achieved on harmonisation of a safety assessment methodology, guidance on application of the graded approach and regulatory review of safety assessments for decommissioning, as well as illustration of the application of the DeSa methodology on decommissioning on a nuclear power plant, a research reactor and a nuclear laboratory.
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