Building and Maintaining Capacity
Developing and Maintaining Regulatory Capacity for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

The South African National Nuclear Regulator (NNR), the University of Watersrand and the company (representing the International Nuclear Regulatory Academy (inrAc)) organized an international workshop on Developing and Maintaining Regulatory Capacity for Nuclear and Radiation Safety for an Expanding Nuclear Industry. It attracted 24 participants from a number of South African Organisations, namely: the NNR, Necsa, Eskom, Wits, SRK, SABS and iTheba LABS, as well as mining industry (e.g. Anglogold Ashanti) and international organisations including Areva, NII (UK), IRSN (France), Endesa (Spain) and inrAc. The focus of discussions was the need to maintain existing and develop new safety and licensing skills for the nuclear regulatory process as an increasing priority. more |
IAEA Training Events

The company has been participating as a lecturer at various IAEA training courses and workshops in Armenia (2009), South Africa (2010), Germany (2010), Georgia (2010) and Austria (2011) more |
International Summer School (Italy)

The second international summer school "Criteria and Approaches for Radioactive Waste Management and Nuclear Decommissioning" was organised by the University of Milan and Ispra (Joint Research Centre) and the company participated with presentations at the course. more |
Training on International Safety Standards on Radioactive Waste Management (Canada)

The CNCS (Canada) organised two training events on international safety standards on radioactive waste management that were aimed at development and regulation of mining and mineral processing facilities. The company participated with presentations on national policies and strategies, waste management, decommissioning, and management system that were made in Ottawa and Saskatoon in July 2010. more |