Selection of New Nuclear Power Plant Sites
The company is providing assistance to SRK Consulting in the development of site safety reports for new nuclear facilities, and in particular NPPs. more |
Overview of International Standards and Practices for the Management
of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel
Construction of the first NPP in Poland is planned to commence in 2016. As part of the planned actions related to the implementation of this project an overview of international requirements, guides and practices for processing,
storage and disposal of low level, intermediate level, and high level radioactive waste and spent fuel has been developed by the company and Energy Solutions AB (Sweden). more |
Siting of a Research Reactor, NECSA, South Africa
The company has performed an independent review of the geotechnical investigations of the proposed new dedicated isotope production reactor (DIPR) at Pelindaba, South Africa. The reactor is envisaged to be developed at the existing NECSA site. more |
Review of Draft Regulation on Explosions and Aircraft Crashes (Lithuania)
In cooperation with J. Johnson (USA) and Energy Solutions AB (Sweden) the company performed a review of the draft Regulations for the Analysis of the Impacts of Explosions and Aircraft Crashes on Reactors of a Nuclear Power Plant. The review aimed at analysis of the draft document in accordance with the IAEA Safety Guide No. NS-G.3.1 and the US NRC regulation 10.CFR.50, Part 150." more |